

You probably are saying "who is she kidding". Yes I know it's the holidays and many of us want a break from everything, including exercise. The body however would give you what you give it. Plus, do you really want to defeat all the hard work you put in through the year and start all over again in the New Year? I am sure you don't. Here are a few tips to staying fit during the holidays.

Keep moving. You want to make sure you are physically active. Yes we know you want to catch up on sleep and your favourite soaps, but you've got to keep the body moving. Create activities at home that would get you moving. Give the maid a break and do the house chores, for those with Children, have some bonding time with them by playing physical games, Keep Moving!!!

Go easy in the Kitchen: We are all in a festive mood and naturally want to eat to express this. Cravings are so evil that once you give in, it takes over you. Include healthy choices to your menu, watch your portions and go easy on the cravings.

For those of us in the colder part of the world, your excuse maybe it's too cold to walk to the gym, great news!!! now you can get out those dusty home fitness videos and use them. 

Having a destination holiday? there are great items you can pack along, for example jump ropes, exercise pocket books, etc. Don't forget there are loads of exercises you can do using your body alone so no excuses! If you are staying in a resort, most resorts have sporting activities which you could pick over sitting at the bar.

Join a holiday fitness challenge, or create one with your friends. A fitness challenge can be as simple as doing 100 skips every morning, walking a mile every day, doing 20 minutes Zumba everyday, etc.

You've worked all year to get where you are, don't let a few weeks of festivities rob you off your efforts!!!

Have a happy holiday

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