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Showing posts from July, 2016


P regnancy was a beautiful journey for me, thanks be to God! With all the scary tales I had heard from some mothers, God knows I was not looking forward to it, but I am glad to have been blessed with the gift and I enjoyed every stage of my pregnancy. It was not until I became pregnant that I realized that most people do not share their pregnancy moments with friends. It seemed like most women were only willing to share the bad experiences and keep the good experiences to themselves. I mean are women trying to scare other women away from wanting this precious God-given experience?  Anyway, I enjoyed mine so much, from the day I received my positive test result, to each Antenatal appointment. Below are my four most precious pregnancy moments:


I t’s been a long time I wrote, but trust me I have not been idle. I recently had a baby and I am glad I have some pregnancy fitness experiences to share with you. After my marriage union with my lovely husband, I began to get advice from some concerned colleagues and family about slowing down on my exercising and focusing on building a family and making babies. I wondered how exercising interfered with me achieving any of that, to my surprise some people believed that exercising was going to prevent me from conceiving. In fact, a particular ex-colleague of mine really scared me when she told me that I could just keep having miscarriages and not even know it. I did not let any of this bother me as I believed that pregnancy would happen at Gods time. Besides I had only been married for a month and still looking forward to our honeymoon. Pregnancy was certainly not on my mind at this time. To answer your first question can I conceive while exercising?