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Understanding your body type would help you in choosing the right fitness programme. In this article, I would briefly explain the different body types and the appropriate fitness programme for each.

Generally, people fall into three body types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. Let’s take a closer look at these categories. 

Are you tall and slender and stay that way even after downloading a basin full of food! Ectomorphs tend to be tall and slender with little excess fat. An ectomorph would probably have the burden of being too skinny. (I’m sure some lady reading this wishes she had this problem). Ectos tend to lose weight more easily than they gain. 

Fitness goal: An Ectos fitness goal should be to gain tone and build muscle mass. Your workout routine should therefore focus more on resistance and strength training and less of cardio. Ectos are advised to eat more regularly than other body types and also eat foods high in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. 


Mesomorphs are mainly muscles. They lose weight and build muscle easily so they tend to be muscular. While most men would appreciate this body type, I’m pretty sure that most women wouldn't. Mesomorph’s weight tends to fluctuate often. If you were a size 12 in January and in February you are a 14 and then in March you slip to a 12 again, it is possible you fall under this category. An advantage for the Mesos is that they tend to maintain good muscle tone, making it easy for them to go a while without exercising and still maintain good form. 

Fitness goal: Mesomorphs should participate more in fitness programmes like, yoga and Pilates. If you are a meso, you should avoid over-training  There should be a balance between cardio, strength and flexibility training. Stretching exercises would help lengthen the muscles, making your body appear slimmer and taller. Mesomorphs are advised to focus more on eating lean proteins and vegetables, especially in the evenings. 


Endomorphs gain fat easily, usually carrying extra fat around the lower abdomen, hips and thighs, and they struggle to build muscle. Endos, unlike other body types, have a harder time in losing fat. 

Fitness goal: Endomorphs should focus on fitness programmes aimed at burning calories. This means increasing cardiovascular training. Endos are advised to stay off fatty foods and carbohydrates.


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