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Showing posts from May, 2013


I  was invited over to a friend’s place and offered a delicious bowl of salad. The salad was so delicious, I was forced to note down the ingredients so I could practice on my own. She had used a good quantity of avocados in the salad. This is not a textbook salad recipe so I chose to call it an “avocado delight”. I would share this recipe with you, but, before I do, these are a few health benefits of avocados. Avocado, also referred to as the alligator pear, is packed with nutrients, e.g. Vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins which are essential vitamins that protects against many diseases and helps maintain overall health. 


Y ou may have seen this topic and wondered why anyone would want to gain weight. There are some people who find it difficult to gain weight, but, lose, very easily, little weight gained. (Read my article on body types to understand your body type and why you may lose or gain weight more easily) .While some people are happy to be skinny, I have met some others who wished they could add a few pounds in the right places. If you are you underweight, or skinny, and looking to gain weight, then this article is for you. I have had an underweight problem at some point. I had just increased my exercise classes to thrice a week, I was walking at least 30 minutes every day, had a full-time office job, and I was still eating very little portions. I actually loved the way I looked, but people kept telling me I looked sick, plus, I felt a little light headed sometimes, so, I decided I was going to put on some weight. I had dropped to a UK size 6 and my target was to get back to a UK size 10...


z obo/sorrel was a must have during family gatherings. As children, we loved drinking it, not only because of how nice it tasted, but also because it coloured our lips and tongues red. Zobo (Nigerian) or Sorrel (Jamaican) is a red coloured drink made from a flower called Hibiscus sabdariffa.  The sorrel plant contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, niacin, riboflavin and a group of compounds called flavonoids. Flavanoids not only gives the sorrel plant its deep red colour, but, are also rich in antioxidants which rids the body of toxins. The sorrel plant also contains nutraceleuticals, which are said to be helpful to the health. Nutraceleuticals can help prevent and treat several diseases including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer.


H ave you ever tried making juice from carrots, green pepper, and tomatoes? My first reaction when I saw my parents drink this mixture was “disgusting!” It is not the sweetest drink you will have, but, your body will surely thank you. Carrots are rich in Vitamin A and other important nutrients such as calcium, phosphorous, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamin B complex. Carrot juice is rich in antioxidants, which slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of cancer, help cleanse the cells of toxins and impurities, thus, ridding the skin of acne. Carrots are good for the eyes and skin. Green pepper juice is also rich in Vitamin A. Tomatoes are also very rich in antioxidants. Imagine having all of this goodness in one glass! 


I  often hear people ask what fitness programme is best for them. You make recommendations and they come back again asking for another alternative. There are so many fitness programmes and the numbers would only increase. You could try all and still find yourself on level zero, with little or no progress. What then is the problem? I mean Sister Felicia who got introduced to fitness a few months ago, is already seeing tremendous results! Why are you struggling so much in shedding a pound? 


Do your triceps jingle when you wave good-bye?  M ichelle Obama is not only notable for being the first black “first lady” of America, or for her classy clothes, she is also notable for her toned arms. Oh yes! “The Michelle Obama arms”. I just love them. Your arms play a major role in your overall physical appearance. For example, you could be a UK size 12 but have fat saggy arms. People looking at you would assume you are much bigger. This is why most women would not take a side-view picture of their arms, so they can hide all the mess.  Toning your arms has other benefits, besides you looking good in sleeveless clothes. In toning your arm, you would have to work your upper body. A strong upper body improves bone density and muscle strength. By strengthening your arms, you increase your capacity to lift heavy items using your arms instead of your back, thereby reducing strain and injury to the back. 


Y ou are probably aware of the health benefits of olive oil. Olive oil is one of the best sources of monosaturated fat. Monosaturated fat lowers your “bad cholesterol” also referred to as Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Olive oil contains antioxidants and is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K, which are said to slow ageing process. You are also probably aware that olive oil is a better alternative for cooking. There are however many other things you could do with olive oil. I have listed a few below. Cooking : Olive oil is a healthier cooking oil choice. This does not mean it should be used excessively. Use it in your stir fries, and other cooking delights. Olive Oil can also be substituted for margarine in baking. 


I n my previous article, I explained briefly what detoxification meant and looked at its benefits. I also mentioned that there were many ways to detoxify the body. Fortunately, there are simple ways to detoxify the body without you having to break the bank on drugs or diet programmes. Incorporate this simple, but efficient, ways into your daily living. Drink plenty of water. I'm sure you've been told how vital water is to the body. Well it’s not a lie. One way to detoxify the body is by excreting waste, drinking water promotes bowel movement. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.  If you are often constipated, try drinking a warm glass of water early in the morning, before breakfast, to promote bowel movement. This always works for me. You could squeeze a few lemons or lime into the water. Lemons and Limes are good natural antioxidants which help in the normal body detox process.  Foods high in fibre assist the bod...


T he first time I heard the word detoxification, I thought it was some scientific method, e.g. distillation. When I eventually had an idea of what it meant, I then thought it was for only people with certain medical conditions and people looking to lose weight. Detoxification (detox for short) is the process of removing toxic substance from the body.  Detoxification is a key body function involving the elimination of metabolic waste and other toxins through the eliminatory organs, i.e. the skin, kidneys, and most importantly, the liver. The body should naturally detox on its own, but studies have shown that with the increased rate of pollution in the air, water, and food, the body is unable to keep up at its natural rate of detoxification. 


M eet Lokya, wife and mother of 2 beautiful children. Lokya walked into her first Zumba class in March 2012, ever since then, she has taking her fitness life more seriously. Most of all she has witnessed tremendous results. Lokya is also in full-time employment, yet, she is able to effectively manage work, family, and exercise. I asked Patience a few questions and I hope her answers would be an inspiration to you.  1. What was your dress size before joining my Zumba classes?  Can't believe I am using past tense, I was a UK size 18.


Do you end your day with a tensed, stiff and sore lower back?  L ower back pains are common with most people. Pains in the lower back arise when the muscles in that region are strained. Poor sitting posture and lifting heavy items are examples of actions that could lead to a muscle strain in the lower back. Exercise can help relief pains and prevent injuries in the lower back. If the pains are, however, severe, it is advisable to seek medical attention. If you also experience pains while performing the following exercises, you should stop. These exercises should be done gently.