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A popular question people ask me is “how do I lose belly fat?” Without a doubt everyone, male and female, wants a slimmer waistline and toned abs. There are also many remedies offered, pills, dieting, or exercise. You probably have tried all the solutions available on the internet, but with little or no progress. I am not going to tell you to do any particular exercise or eat a particular food...Okay, maybe I will. The purpose of this article is to highlight some facts you need to know about losing tummy fat.

Fact 1

It is a gradual process to get permanent rid of your belly fat. If you've been told that it can be lost in a week or two, you've been lied to. Depending on your body type and how much fat you have stored up in the tummy, you may not see visible results until after a month. Disappointed? 

Fact 2

Building muscles does not necessarily get rid of belly fat. What happens is you end up building muscles underneath the fat. I don’t want to imagine what that would look like. If your aim is to lose tummy fat, do exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system. High Intensity cardio workouts are great but tough, especially if you are new to exercise.

Fact 3

There is nothing like spot reduction. People often say they want to reduce only their tummy. Sadly, your body is a whole unit, to lose weight on the tummy; you would have to lose weight all over. Hundreds of crunches each day won't flatten your belly unless you are also losing weight. 

Fact 4

Your diet plays an important role in reducing tummy fat. Most people do not want to hear this because the truth is we all love the fatty foods. There are simply delicious! But, if you are really serious about losing that belly fat, then you have to make the sacrifice. Reduce calories by filling yourself up with protein, vegetables, and whole grains. Replace bad habit snacks with good ones. For example, if you feel peckish, try munching on an apple instead, or try filling yourself up with water.

Fact 5

Avoid get-it-quick methods, for example, crash dieting, fat melting pills, etc. Studies show that weight loss gained gradually is better maintained in the end, than weight loss gained quickly. I guess it’s the same principle with money; money not worked for is less valued.

Fact 6

Staying up late at nights encourages you to eat more. When you’re tired you produce more ghrelin, which triggers cravings for sugar and other fat-building foods.

Fact 7

Just in case, you are reading this and thinking, “What’s the big deal? I am proud of my big belly”. Did you know that the fat around your tummy called “visceral fat” is more dangerous than fat around your hips and thighs or subcutaneous fat that sits under the skin? Did you know that there is also a strong link between excess belly fat and cardiovascular disease like high blood pressure and high cholesterol? 

Fact 8

Self motivation is the most important ingredient to losing tummy fat. Your determination would decide how far you go on your fitness journey.


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