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Many of us go through low moments in life; while some of us snap out of these feeling, others do not. People with a depressive disorder /clinical depression find that their state interferes with their day to day activities, and may also feel that life is not worth living. Depression is defined as “a mental state or chronic mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, low self-esteem, and self-reproach; accompanying signs include psychomotor retardation (or less frequently agitation), withdrawal from social contact, and vegetative states such as loss of appetite and insomnia.” (Ref: medilexicon)

Depression may be caused by a number of factors: death of a loved one, broken relationships, loss of social status, etc. There are also many signs of depression: Some people tend to eat excessively, loss of appetite, drunkenness, loss of concentration, insomnia, chronic fatigue, suicidal thoughts etc. Whatever the case, depression can lead to emotional and physical problems, some of which are reversible (e.g. weight gain) and irreversible (e.g. suicide). 

Depression doesn't just cause physical symptoms; it can also increase your risk for, or may worsen, certain physical illnesses or conditions. In turn, illness can also trigger depression. Depression increases your risk of disease and other conditions by, for example, increasing levels of stress hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline. Depression can affect the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight infection. 

Depression affects each person in different ways, so symptoms caused by depression vary from person to person. Inherited traits, age, gender and cultural background all play a role in how depression may affect you. Do you think you might be depressed? Start by talking to someone today (doctor, relative, friend, Pastor, etc.) Depression symptoms may not get better on their own, and depression may get worse if it isn't treated. Untreated depression increases the chance of risky behaviors such as drug or alcohol addiction, especially in teenagers. It also can ruin relationships, cause problems at work, and make it difficult to overcome serious illnesses. A child suffering from depression may do poorly in school and exhibit anti-social/hostile traits.

Research shows that exercise can help with depression. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body. Regular exercise has been proven to: Reduce stress, ward off anxiety and feelings of depression, boost self-esteem and improve sleep.

FFT: A problem shared, is a problem solved!


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