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Thanks to everyone who joined the tweet chat today. I do hope you have a better knowledge of Zumba fitness and what it entails. I definitely look forward to another tweet session. 

Today I would be writing on a fruit I love. It’s red on the inside and very juicy. “Watermelons”, yay! I really cannot believe I have not written a post on this. Cold watermelon juice has always been my favourite when I need to refresh from a hot day. Well, it’s been really hot in Lagos these past few days, so I guess that's why I have watermelons on my mind. We would be looking at the health benefits of watermelon, if any, as many may think that the fruit is only made up of water and sugar. Water in itself, is very beneficial, so that’s a good start!

Made up of 92% water and full of important electrolytes, watermelon is a great fruit to have on hot days to prevent dehydration.

Watermelon is a great source of Vitamin-A, which is a powerful natural anti-oxidant. It is also rich in anti-oxidant flavonoids like beta-carotene and lutein which promote healthy vision/eyes and prevents degeneration of the eyes.

Watermelon is also a good source of potassium which helps to retain calcium in your body, resulting in stronger bones and joints.

Lycopene, an antioxidant compound that gives tomatoes and certain other fruits and vegetables their color, improves cardiovascular functions. Research shows that watermelons have more lycopene content than tomatoes. 

Watermelons are rich in vitamin-C which helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals.

From personal experience, watermelons help me relief stress and drinking a cold glass of watermelon juice has on several occasions cured a headache.


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